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"Touch is a basic human need. It conveys comfort, love, compassion, safety and trust." 





What is Craniossage?

Craniossage is a complete Mind, Body, Spirit integration. It’s a form of bodywork that uses gentle manipulations to focus on taking restrictions off of your central nervous system by blending techniques from massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, neuromuscular work, guidance coaching and deep breathing. It’s an experience that brings you into a state of deep relaxation and stillness.


Although gentle manipulations are applied, Craniossage is the most extensive form of

deep tissue” therapy that one can attain. You will feel fully present within your physical body and more centered within your heart and thoughts as well. 



Who can receive Craniossage?

Craniossage can be modified to your specific needs and therefore, is great for all ages! As with any bodywork/modality, there are some contraindications with Craniossage. Your therapist, Brandi Lyn will do a thorough intake prior to your first session to determine which approach will be the safest and most effective for your personalized session.



What does a typical Craniossage session consist of?

A typical Craniossage session begins with a full body gentle massage, making sure to address the face, neck, spine, abdomen and glutes. (For your comfort level, any area can be worked over the sheets or not worked at all.) Brandi Lyn will go over a thorough intake prior to session and address any questions or concerns you may have, along with educating you on the benefits of working each particular area. After your full body massage, Brandi Lyn applies Craniosacral holds (5 grams of pressure – about the weight of a nickel) to the neck, face and sacrum.


Typical sessions are 60min for an overall relaxation experience. If you have specific/extensive work that you’d like to be addressed, or if you prefer a deeper state of relaxation, booking a 90min or a 2hr session is suggested.


During your session, cups can be used per request and one oracle card will be pulled at the beginning or end of your session to help set an intention that aligns with your current journey.



What is the Central Nervous System?

Your central nervous system, (CNS) is one big network that controls all functions and organs in your body. When your central nervous system gets overloaded from daily stimuli, it becomes unbalanced and stuck in the fight or flight mode (sympathetic state).

Your body should remain in a more neutral state (rest and digest/parasympathetic state), so that your organs, brain and neural pathways can work at their optimal level.


When your central nervous system is out of balance or becomes overloaded from constant stimuli (such as: electronics, phone calls/texts, work deadlines, family emergencies, overthinking, daily routines) you may  become overwhelmed, full of anxiety, have racing thoughts, have feelings of hopelessness and be resistant to change. You may feel discord in your body through illness, aches, pains, feelings of depression and ailments of all sorts.


When your central nervous system is balanced, the neurons in your body are able to “fire” back and forth properly. Thus, allowing your body to remain in a state of homeostasis and heal itself on all levels more naturally.



How can I benefit from Craniossage PHYSICALLY?

When traumas occur (physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally), they are all stored within the soft tissues of your body and can create a multitude of responses that arise as aches, pains and discomforts.  


Craniossage uses gentle techniques to manipulate and unwind the soft tissues in your body, allowing any stored traumas, anxiety, grief, aches, discomforts, etc. to be released. Craniossage allows your body to be introduced to safe touch and can increase range of motion, circulation and blood flow as well.


Craniossage helps your body to PHYSICALLY FEEL AT EASE! 



How can I benefit from Craniossage MENTALLY / EMOTIONALLY?

When traumas occur (physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally), they are all stored within the soft tissues of your body and can create a multitude of responses that arise as aches, pains and discomforts.  


While experiencing life, you may encounter challenges such as: traumas, heartaches, sadness and grief. These lower vibrational feelings can create negative thoughts, a racing mind, over analyzing and self-judgements that carry over into your physical body. Without discipline in keeping your mental/emotional self in balance, you may feel disconnected and out of balance in many areas of life that can include: relationships, career, inner well-being as well as physical well-being. 


By receiving Craniossage, tensions and restrictions are removed from the soft tissues in your body, allowing you to release layers that contribute to cloudiness, fogginess and a heavy heart. Craniossage allows you to release stagnant mental states and emotions that no longer serve you.



How can I benefit from Craniossage SPIRITUALLY?

Brandi Lyn embraces the concept that we are all vibrations and frequencies in a physical form that encounter human experiences in order to remember who we are at a higher state of consciousness. In learning to do so, we work on balancing our ego-minds with our heart-centers, where unconditional love exists.


Your ego-mind is what creates separation from unconditional love. Without discipline in keeping your ego-mind in balance, you may feel disconnected from your true Soul Self. By bringing you out of mind chatter and activating your heart-space, Craniossage allows you to connect spiritually to your higher self, your higher wisdom and embrace the sparks of all parts of your Soul-self efforlessly!


What is Cupping?

(**5min of cupping = 30min of Deep Tissue!**)


Cupping Therapy is a very effective method of tissue release that dates back thousands of years in many different cultures from ancient Asia, Europe and the Middle East. During a typical massage session, the therapist uses pressure to compress connective issues within your body. Cupping does the opposite. It creates a suction which uses "negative pressure" as a means to unwind tight connective tissues. Cupping is applied directly to the skin and can be glided or left to sit in particular areas of the body. During the suction phase, cups increase blood flow and oxygen/nutrients to the areas being worked, which helps to increase circulation and speed up the recovery process. Cupping is great for injury recovery, trigger points and relief from chronic tensions and aches. 


Brandi Lyn uses mild pressure cups and applies them with a lot of gliding to break up specific tension areas. Since cups are applied with a gentle application, the suction pulls tissues away from areas of the spine, neck and sacrum that may be hard for a therapist to work directly. Thus, cupping therapy creates a very sedating effect to the central nervous system. Brandi is a huge advocate for cupping therapy because of the quick and effective deep tissue results, as well as it's deep relaxing sensations. 






"Craniossage is an experience that brings you into

a state of deep relaxation and stillness.

It can't be explained through words, only felt through the experience."

For further questions or to schedule a group event, 

please email Brandi Lyn directly at:

or text/call: (623) 292-2444

Thank You!

What is Craniossage
Who can recieve Craniossage
What is the CNS
How can I benefit Physically
How can I beefit Mentally/Emotionally
How can I benefit Spirtually
What does cranio consist of

Call or Text:

(623) 292-2444


Product of Brandi Lyn llc

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