"Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, yet, powerful style of bodywork that allows your body to move into a natural state of balance."
Benefits of
Craniosacral Therapy
Deep Relaxation
Aura Cleansing
Stress Reduction
Tension Relief
Emotional Release
Decreased Anxiety
Improved Energy
Mental Alertness
Improved Focus
Enhance Endocrine System Headache Relief
Allergy Relief
Boosts Immune System
Increased Circulation
Feelings of Well-Being
Lowered Blood Pressure
Pain Reduction
Improved Sleep
Past Trauma Release
Overcoming Grief
Chakra Balancing
... and so much more!
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy info continued...
What is the Central Nervous System (CNS)?
Your central nervous system, (CNS) is one big network that controls all functions and organs in your body. When your central nervous system gets overloaded from daily stimuli, it becomes unbalanced and stuck in the sympathetic state, (fight or flight mode).
Your body should remain in a more neutral state, also known as the parasympathetic state, (rest and digest mode), so that your organs, brain and neural pathways can work at their optimal level.
​When your CNS is out of balance, it becomes overloaded from constant stimuli
(such as: electronics, phone calls/texts, work deadlines, family emergencies, overthinking, daily routines, travel, traffic, etc.) and can make you feel easily overwhelmed, full of anxiety, have racing thoughts, have feelings of hopelessness and be resistant to change. You may also feel discord in your body through underlying dysfunctions such as: recurring illnesses, aches, pains, feelings of depression and ailments of all sorts.
When your CNS is balanced, the neurons in your body are able to communicate and “fire” back and forth properly to all the organs and systems in your body. Thus, allowing your body to remain in a state of homeostasis and heal itself on all levels more naturally.
What is the Craniosacral System?
The craniosacral system consists of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. (As well as the pituitary / "master" gland and pineal gland.)
These areas are surrounded by a protective layer of connective tissues called "fascia".
Overall, the craniosacral system has a powerful influence on a wide variety of bodily functions, including the entire endocrine system.
What is Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)?
CSF is a clear and odorless fluid that purifies and nourishes your CNS and has a very subtle pulse/rhythm as it circulates throughout your body. Ideally, CSF should have a consistent pattern of movement that helps to keep your CNS communicating strongly with all of the organs and systems in your body. This allows these organs and systems to function at their optimal levels.
What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?
*Craniosacral Therapy is great for physical, spiritual, mental and emotional balancing and is perfect for aligning your 7 main energy centers (Chakras), as well as cleansing your Aura.
The main focal points of Craniosacral therapy are the head, neck and sacrum. Through gentle manipulations, "blockages" and restrictions around these areas are detected and pressure is taken off, allowing CSF to circulate more freely throughout your craniosacral system.
When there becomes a disruption to the natural ebb and flow of CSF, the central nervous system is affected directly and there is a higher chance of the body creating a number of underlying dysfunctions such as: recurring illnesses, aches, pains, feelings of depression and ailments of all sorts.
Once pressure is taken off the craniosacral system, cerebral spinal fluid is able to return back to its normal state of flow and moves to areas where restrictions have been released. This creates extra nourishment to those fibers and nerve endings that were restricted and allows the CNS to fire it's signals back and forth throughout the body, properly again.
This process allows the entire body to unwind and relax at very deep levels.
(Which also assists in releasing anxiety, nervousness, suppressed thoughts, grief/traumas and unresolved emotions, that no longer serve you.)
How is Craniosacral Therapy applied?
Craniosacral Therapy is applied with gentle manipulations (5 grams of pressure), to the neck, face, spinal column and sacrum. There may be gentle movement and stretching to your upper and lower body in order for your therapist to release tissues and apply specific holds to these areas. (This is a very therapeutic and safe session. If for any reason, you feel uncomfortable, please communicate this immediately to your therapist.)
*You will remain fully clothed during your entire CST session.
How does Craniosacral Therapy Feel?
Craniosacral Therapy is an experience. There is no definitive answer as to how it feels. Although it is a very gentle approach, the work is received in layers and is felt on a very deep level. Some individuals have stated that they felt like they were traveling outside of their body, while some have stated that they have never felt so calm before. Others have visually experienced through their 3rd eye by seeing shapes, colors and loved ones that have already passed over, while others have a much milder experience.
A note about CST, is that it continues to integrate itself up to one week after your session.
It's important to remember that CST opens your body and energy fields up to release and as specific memories or experiences surface within yourself, its necessary to stay non-attached and gentle on yourself while observing the process and not hooking back into the old patterns and feelings.
Although each person experiences Craniosacral Therapy differently,
the #1 most common statement after a session is “Wow!”.
- A Note About Craniosacral Therapy -
Craniosacral Therapy can be applied to most ages through different applications. As with any other bodywork, craniosacral therapy does have some contraindications. After a thorough intake, if it is presumed that craniosacral therapy is not recommended, Brandi has numerous techniques that can still be applied in order to relieve restrictions to the body and nervous system as a whole.