Chakra Balancing

Benefits of
Chakra Balancing
Self Love
Expands Self Awareness
Improved Communication
Inner Peace
Increased Energy
Increased Focus
Increased Concentration
Improved Sleep
Positive Thinking
Sense of Well-Being
Spiritual Harmony
Decreased Anxiety
Decreased Stress
Stimulates Metabolism
Strengthens Immune System
Releases Unhealthy Habits
Release Suppressed Emotions
Past Trauma Release
Overcome Grief
...and so much more!
"Purifying the Energy Wheels of Your Soul!"
The word "Chakra" comes from Sanskrit (the sacred language from India) and literally means "Turning" or "Wheel". Chakras are not physical or anatomical. They reside within the subtle energy layers of the body and influence cells, organs, thoughts, feelings, the entire hormone system and are also centers of psychic energy.
There are thousands of minor chakras within the body. However, the most recognized and influential are the 7 primary chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown) that are aligned along the spinal column from the coccyx to the top of your head. These primary chakras automatically enhance the others through activation and clearing.
Chakras are funnel shaped and resemble flowers with petals or miniature suns with rays that radiate through your body. They are continuously rotating and absorbing energies from our surroundings and serve as an energy station where cosmic energy (prana) is collected, purified and radiated back outwards. They help to promote harmony between one's inner and outer worlds and are associated with specific colors, symbols, mantras, foods and elements that correspond to their specific frequencies.
When one or more chakras become unbalanced or "blocked", feelings of tension, agitation, anger, sadness, grief, worry, fear and so on can arise and create disharmony in ones life. By balancing these purification centers, energy can freely flow, allowing you to feel recharged, refreshed and in a state of harmony.
Chakra Balancing is gentle and safe. It has many forms of approach (such as using sound, color, dowsing, nutrition, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, visualization, meditation and stones/crystals) to harmonize and promote well-being. Through simple exercises or therapeutic sessions, you can maintain a healthy and balanced energy system that brings about positive thinking/feeling and enhances your overall awareness in your personal life.
For further questions or to schedule a group event,
please email Brandi Lyn directly at:
or text/call: (623) 292-2444
Thank You!