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Your Journey

Brandi Lyn Therapies Massage Craniossage Craniosacral Therapy Energy Work Sound Healing Gong Sound Bath Grief Coaching Mediumship Intuitive Readings Oracle Card Messages Death and Afterlife Self Care Healing Hopi Reiki Crystals Balancing Certified Licensed Psychic Wellness Practitioner Sound Healer Mind, Body, Wellness Practitioner Therapist Peoria Arizona Phoenix Glendale Arrowhead Vibrations Frequency frequencies unconditional love Universe Resonate Stillness Heart Center Connect with Loved Ones Butterfly Bodywork

"I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become"

-Carl Jung

What Is This All About? 
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(623) 282-2254



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 I understand that this is a hands on and verbal treatment. Brandi Campbell is not licensed to practice medicine and therefore will not diagnose/treat any disease or illness, perform spinal manipulations or prescribe medications/medical treatments. If herbal remedies or aromatherapy are suggested by Brandi Lyn, I will consult my primary care physician before using any of the suggested remedies by ingestion or topical use.


Brandi Lyn llc / Brandi Lyn Therapies is designed to assist in the health aid, and is not intended to replace any forms of health treatments, primary prescriptions, medicines, psychotherapy and/or professional medical treatments for any condition.


It is my responsibility to keep my practitioner Brandi Lyn, updated on any changes in my health status or medications that I am taking (prescribed or over the counter) and I will provide her with an updated written referral from my primary healthcare provider/s prior to each session.


I understand that Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Holistic Therapy/Energy Work is therapeutic in nature. All services provided by Brandi Lyn llc and Brandi Lyn are non-sexual. Sexual conversation, gestures or behavior will not be tolerated at any time. Any inappropriate comments, words, jokes, suggestions, behavior or gestures will result in immediate termination of my session and I will be charged a full session fee without a referral.


»Massage Therapy involves the use of touch and may include the use of oils, lotions or creams. For the health and safety of Brandi Campbell and I, it is imperative to arrive to each of my sessions with a clean body. If I fail to do so, my session will be postponed.


»During a Massage Therapy Session only, I may undress to my comfort level. Removal of bra and undergarments is optional. I will be draped with clean linens at all times. Only the body area being worked on will be undraped/exposed.


» Clients 18 years or younger must be accompanied by and have the consent of a parent or guardian.


» I understand that there can be possible side effects that may occur before or after each session that may include:


· Muscle soreness for up to two days               · Slight bruising / Minor swelling      · Possible pain when pressure points are stimulated

· Tingling or burning sensations as blood circulation increases   · Release of lactic acid and toxins that are stored in my body tissue

· Release of joyful/painful memories      · Short term dizziness          · Nausea

(Emotional experiences and traumas are oftentimes held within the body as tension)


I Agree To:

·    Inform Brandi Lyn immediately if anything is physically, mentally or emotionally uncomfortable or painful

·    Release Brandi Lyn llc, it’s agents and Brandi Lyn from any legal liability


Brandi Lyn llc and Brandi Lyn hold high standards in keeping a professional, reliable and quality business by following a proper Code of Ethics.

Confidentiality of my personal information and all of my sessions are honored and kept in strict confidence unless any revealed illegal activity or questionable activity involving minors is requested and/or required by law.


Cancellation Policy:

» I understand that it is my responsibility to give a 24hr notice if I choose to reschedule or cancel an appointment prior to my scheduled appointment time. If I do not give my 24hr notice, I may be charged a full session fee. 


» I understand that if I arrive late for my session, a full fee will be charged and the remainder of my time will be utilized accordingly to provide me with the best Massage/Cranioasacral/Energy/Life Coaching/Holistic/Bodywork Session possible. 


» I understand that No-shows will be treated as a cancellation without notice and I will be charged a full session fee. Repetitive No-shows will disqualify me from booking future sessions with Brandi Lyn and Brandi Lyn llc. 


» All fees are required at time of service. 

Product of Brandi Lyn llc

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